Gisela Knapp – COO


Gisela Knapp is COO of the company and handles HR and content.


  • Healthcare entrepreneur
  • Dental assistant
  • Financial representative
  • Practice manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Healthcare administration manager
  • Chief Operating Officer


After training as a dental assistant she worked for several years in a dental, surgical and orthodontic practice while simultaneously getting training in accounting and management. She then became a trainee in the financial sector, working for an independent financial advisory company and passed the board examination as representative.

For several years, she managed an orthodontic practice in Munich while taking correspondence courses in management and marketing over two years.

Since 2008, Gisela Knapp is working as senior health manager of the health centre “amanu” focusing on organization, human resources and accounting.

In 2011, she was co-founder with Wolfgang F. Mosebach of ruhepol health organization GmbH, & Co. KG, Germany’s think tank for citizen-oriented health care solutions in Germany and worldwide.

In 2014, she was a co-founder and is co-partner of medinout GmbH & Co. KG, the web-based international information and data platform for health issues.